What We Do

The Board Meeting
Here’s what happens at a typical TAB Board Meeting:
- We greet each other like the comrades we are on both a personal and professional level.
- We learn something new about a particular business subject or trend.
- One by one we move around the table with each Member sharing a particular issue or situation on which he or she wants to gain perspective. Each board Member asks questions to clarify and then offers salient and practical advice on how they would handle the issue if they were wearing your shoes.
- We list the goals we have for the next 30 days, quarter and year and hold each other to them, questioning why we have not met the goal and how the board can help.
- We set the agenda for the next board meeting.
TAB Business Coaching works hand-in-hand with Board Meetings
Knowing what you want out of life is only half the battle. The other half is a real opportunity to keep you focused, accountable and on track to achieve it.
TAB Business Coaching provides a trusted advisor you can count on to help you increase business performance, work through business opportunities and challenges, achieve greater success and truly live the personal and professional life you desire. TAB Business Coaching sessions will make you focused with more balance – and what feels like more time in your schedule to sit back and soak up the signs of success.

Business Builder’s Blueprint
More money, more time for you or with family, more freedom – do you remember why you started your own business? Chances are you aspired to achieve your dreams – rather than simply accomplish tasks – and TAB’s Business Builder’s Blueprint™ tool is about doing exactly that.
A proven strategic business planning process focused on forming the business owner’s vision of leading a successful business while also living a rich fulfilling life, the Business Builder’s Blueprint™ will help you demystify the strategic planning process with a clear picture of how to achieve your strategic direction and vision.
Find more enjoyment in your business and experience more happiness in your personal life. There’s no better way to formulate a plan for success.
TTI Assessments
The Alternative Board (TAB) has partnered with TTI Success Insights, the world’s leading source for research-based, validated assessment and coaching tools that enable organizations to effectively meet their human capital management needs. TAB coaches and facilitators have helped companies worldwide with the selection, retention, and development of their people. We also partner with HRx Plan to meet the ongoing training needs of employees through prescribed learning that is customized for each individual.
We are a licensed, certified provider of a powerful battery of TTI assessments including DISC, Driving Forces/Motivators, DNA (personal competencies), Emotional Intelligence, and other targeted solutions for achieving superior performance throughout your business. We employ affordable and effective assessment methods to evaluate your personnel and conduct in-depth debriefing sessions and workshops focused on improved communication, team building, and individually tailored training. Our processes using TTI assessments allow our TAB Members to effectively address:
· Employee Selection: The foundation for hiring superior performers starts with our job benchmarking process.
· Employee Engagement: Keep your employees motivated, engaged, and working together with proven and effective methods for communication and motivation.
· Employee Development: This crucial program stresses 23 key competencies that employees need, and provides a customized training foundation through HRx Plan for their ongoing development.